Member Benefits

Discounts on TBV events
Throughout the year, TBV host different events, such as our winter warmers, awards ceremony, industry information nights and many others. As a TBV member, you will receive a member discount!

Annual stallions book
The annual stallions book, worth $150, is a go to source of information for breeders.
As a TBV member, you will receive this as part of your membership.

Industry representation
TBV lobby different organisations, including the likes of Racing Victoria, the State Government, Agriculture Victoria, auction houses and others to make sure your interests are represented.

TBV Member pack
​To say thank you for your loyalty and your support to TBV, we will send you out a pack with some great goodies, which you can showcase out and about!

Monthly newsletter
Our monthly newsletter showcases the stories in Victorian breeding. We aim to bring you the stories which haven't been told.

Access to special offers
Our supporters and sponsors don't only support TBV but they have special offers and discounts for you too!
We will send you out offers from them but be sure to mention you are a TBV member.
Become a member
Please note the above plans will automatically renew each year, however TBV will notify you via email prior to your membership expiring.